Research and Development
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Postbiotic, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodulatory effects of aqueous microbial lysozyme in broiler chickens, Animal Biotechnology.
Lysozymes, efficient alternative supplements to antibiotics, have several benefits in poultry production. In the present study, 120, one–day–old, Ross 308 broiler chickens of mixed sex, were allocated into 2 equal groups, lysozyme treated group (LTG) and lysozyme free group (LFG), to evaluate the efficacy of lysozyme (Lysonir®) usage via both drinking water (thrice) and spray (once). LTG had better (p=0.042) FCR, and higher European production efficiency factor compared to LFG (p=0.042). The intestinal integrity score of LTG was decreased (p=0.242) compared to that of LFG; 0.2 vs. 0.7. Higher (p≤0.001) intestinal Lactobacillus counts were detected in chickens of LTG. Decreased (p≤0.001) IL-1β and CXCL8 values were reported in LTG. The cellular immune modulation showed higher (p≤0.001) opsonic activity (MΦ and phagocytic index) in LTG vs. LFG at 25 and 35days. Also, higher (p≤0.001) local, IgA, and humoral, HI titers, for both Newcastle, and avian influenza H5 viruses were found in LTG compared to LFG. In conclusion, microbial lysozyme could improve feed efficiency, intestinal integrity, Lactobacillus counts, anti-inflammatory, and immune responses in broiler chickens.

Correlation Between Environmental and Intestinal Clostridium perfringens Isolated from Different Chicken Flocks. International Journal of Poultry Science.
Background and Objective: Clostridium perfringens is a major enteric pathogen of poultry causing necrotic enteritis (NE). Both clinical and subclinical forms of NE are associated with a huge economic loss, so it is very important to detect and study the correlation between environmental and intestinal C. perfringens isolated from different origins in poultry farms. Materials and Methods: A total of 20 intestinal samples were collected from 20 different commercially diseased poultry flock in Egypt, as well as 10 environmental samples from 10 of the 20 farms that had clinical NE. Statistical package for the social sciences was used for cluster analysis and dendrogram construction. Similarity index between all samples was calculated using the online tool. Results: The bacterial susceptibility patterns of both environmental and intestinal isolates showed high resistance index of 100% against streptomycin sulphate, sulfamethoxazole+trimethoprim, tetracycline and spectinomycin. The resistance reached 70 and 100% to ampicillin and cefotaxime: 50 and 80% to amoxicillin: 65 and 70% to bacitracin for intestinal and environmental C. perfringens isolates, respectively, while the lowest resistance (27%) was to penicillin V. Using cPCR, all isolates carried ” toxin gene, while 60 and 25% of intestinal C. perfringens harbored net$ and $-lactamase (bla), meanwhile, 40 and 60% of environmental C. perfringens were positive for net$ and bla genes, respectively. Conclusion: The results of RAPD analysis, similarity index and dendrograms for 4 environmental and intestinal C. perfringens isolates (with bla gene) showed high similarity mainly with the same ancestor of environmental origin, which may explained that contamination with C. perfringens in the environment acts as a source of horizontal bla gene transfer between different C. perfringens strains within poultry farms.

Study of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration Against a Local Field Isolates of Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Mycoplasma synoviae from Egyptian Broiler and Layer Chicken Flocks. International Journal of Veterinary Science.
On a field level among poultry flocks, the efficacy of the most common antibiotics against Mycoplasma species was decreased, Hence the traceability of the new updates about the minimum inhibitory concentration becomes very important for veterinarians in fighting antibiotic resistant strains circulating among birds. In the current study the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of the common anti-mycoplasma drugs as enrofloxacin, difloxacin oxytetracycline, doxycycline, chlortetracycline, tylvalosin, erythromycin, tylosin, tilmicosin, spiramycin, tiamulin, lincomycin, spectinomycin and dihydrostreptomycin against MG and MS isolates of broiler and layer chickens in Egyptian farms and recorded in GenBank. The recovered results showed that till now the tylvalosin macrolides is the most efficient drugs in the control of mycoplasmas as it has the lowest MICs value against local M. gallisepticum and local M. synoviae as tylvalosin at dilution rate of 0.001-2μg/mL, showed the lowest values among the studied antibiotics as MICs value were 0.001,0.005 and 0.008μg/mL against MG and 0. 2,0.25 and 0.5μg/mL against MS strains.

Insight of Prevalence , Toxin Typing And Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Egyptian Clostridium perfringens Isolates Recovered from Broiler , Layer and Breeder Chicken Flocks
Clostridial infection is associated with significant health problems in poultry today, as its enteritis affects intestinal integrity in poultry flocks and may cause considerable losses, which caused by Clostridium perfringens that found all over the world, so fighting this infection is a continuing challenge for the poultry sector. Preventive actions using dedicated products are a valuable solution to maintain healthy gut flora. In this study the prevalence of Clostridium perfringens was detected in different chicken flocks at a rate of 32%. Also, toxin-typing showed presence of cpa, cpb, etx, iap and cpe toxins among the isolates which mainly associated with necrotic enteritis cases. Net-B toxin is a novel toxin that had been recently identi?ed in virulent avian C. perfringens isolates and it presence potentiate the necrotic lesions and destroy the enterocytes. Antimicrobial patterns showed high resistance against most common antibacterial drugs as B-lactams, aminoglycosides, macrolides and tetracyclines. NetB toxin harboring isolates, originating from diseased broiler, layer and breeder chickens showed the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration MICs values for the penicillin from B-lactams and tylvalosin from macrolides.

Treasing on Tylvamyco® as a Novel Immunomodulatory Medication on Broiler Chickens
Present study aims at the evaluation of the efficacy of Tylvamyco® as a new macrolides generation in control of avian mycoplasmosis in broilers chickens with special attention to its immunomodulatory effects. A total of 500 a-day-old broiler Ross 308 chicks were equally subdivided into two treatments of 250 birds in each. The Tylvamyco® treated group, and the control non treated group were kept in a separate house. Blood samples and tracheal tissues collected at one day old and also each week till the end of the trials for isolation M. gallisepticum and also measuring the immune status of the experimental chicks. M. gallisepticum occurrence rate in broilers chickens was 12% which confirmed by PCR. The minimal inhibitory concentration values Tylvamyco® against recovered 12 M. gallisepticum isolates standard strain showed that the Tylvamyco® has MIC90 value of 0.008. In the Tylvamyco® treated group the immune status profiles record that there are marked increase in the immunological parameters by age as; HI test results for Mycoplasma, NDV, AI, INF-? conc., IL-6 conc., phagocytic cell count, nitric oxide conc. and lysozyme conc. at 1, 15 and 30 day old, respectively. The molecular analysis of CXCL8 gene as an indicator for inflammation reduction potency in In the Tylvamyco® treated group by using real-time PCR showed that the cycle threshold of CXCL8 gene reduced by age from 13.6 to 10.7 at 15 and 30 day old with fold change 0.57 and 1.4, respectively. Performance parameter in Tylvamyco® treated group was 3.22kg/bird with mean weight gain 2.33kg/bird and FCR 1.4. The mortality rate was 5%. We concluded that Tylvamyco® acts as a potent immunomodulatory medicine in broilers.