Hatchery Service

Our highly skilled technical team confidently conducts a rigorous quality control check at your hatchery to ensure that the newly hatched chicks meet the highest standards of health and vigor. We understand that maintaining these standards is critical for the continued productivity and profitability of poultry operations, whether for egg production or meat production.
Chick Grading
Chick Weighting
Yolk Sac/Body Weight Percentage
Breakout Analysis
Chick Grading
After hatching, chicks are graded based on criteria such as size, weight, and overall health. Weak or unhealthy chicks, chicks with any deformaties or chicks with unhealed navel may be culled to ensure that only the strongest chicks are sent to farms.
Don’t let bad quality affect your poultry business, our technical team identify the root cause of the problem, implementing a solution, and monitoring future flocks to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Chick Weighting
Weighing 5% of the chicken trays for a good idea of the initial weight of the day old chicks.
Determining the uniformity of the flock and calculating the Coaffecient of variation (C.V) which shouldn’t exceed 7.88.
Analyzing these data gives a good idea to the breeder farm about his flock performance.

Yolk Sac/Body Weight Percentage
Chicks with a small residual yolk have absorbed sufficient nutrients, is more vital, and would have had a stronger start (if it was still alive…).
The smaller chicks have a large residual yolk. The chicks itself are also smaller. It has absorbed insufficient nutrients.

Breakout Analysis
Analyzing embryo mortality patterns and abnormalities can help to identify which aspects of the incubation process need closer investigation in order to improve hatchability and chick quality.